About The Academy
The Academy at Logansport Junior/Senior High Alternative School has officially wrapped its first year as a fully accredited stand-alone school serving the students of Logansport and Cass County in grades 7-12. We are proud to offer education options that differ from what has always been considered “traditional”.
Our students can engage with their studies by attending small in-person classes or by participating online. Live, teacher-facilitated classes are offered for three hours in both morning and afternoon sessions at the Academy building located at 2815 E. Market Street in Logansport. Those choosing to work online may take their classes from wherever they have access to the Internet. We employ a Principal, Mr. Greg Grostefon, a veteran administrator with extensive experience in non-traditional learning, three innovative teachers, and a counselor who offers both academic and socio-emotional support.
The Academy uses Apex Learning, a web-based learning platform that provides a standard public school curriculum based on the Indiana State Standards. Apex is an industry leader in secondary instructional solutions, offering comprehensive libraries of rigorous, interactive courses and assessments. Students residing in Cass County are issued a laptop computer, on which they complete daily modules for a particular subject. Upon completion of each required class, a credit is earned.
This year, we are proud to announce that our 117 students earned a remarkable 400 high school credits, while 27 earned their High School Diplomas.
To be eligible for enrollment, students must demonstrate a need for a non-traditional educational experience. We exist to serve students who, for example, have been expelled from school; who have not found success in the traditional learning environment; have chronic absences from school; are pregnant; or those who must be employed in order to support themselves or their families.
Logansport High School and Logansport Junior High School administrators and teachers may recommend students to The Academy for any of the reasons listed above. Parents or guardians may also inquire whether their students can benefit, but must meet with the Academy Principal and Counselor prior to acceptance in the program.
Out-of-District students must register to enroll in the Logansport Community School Corporation via the Academy at Logansport Jr/Sr High Alternative School’s online application process and then schedule a meeting with the Principal.
Upon approval for enrollment, students and their parents/guardians will meet with the Principal, either in person or virtually, where they will receive an orientation to The Academy as well as assistance with acclimating to an online learning environment.
We are very proud of what we accomplished this year, and we look forward to a bright future in the years to come. We hope that you have found this information to be of interest and we invite you to contact us if you feel that a “different” style of education might be appropriate for your son or daughter. We hope to launch a website in the very near future, but for now, feel free to reach out to us at 574-722-5209 if you would like more information.