Do you love helping children?
If you love children, this is the program for you! Early Childhood Education focuses on teaching and guiding pre-school children, helping them adjust socially and interact with others, and giving them the building blocks to learn and be curious. The program uses real world application in a preschool setting monitored by a qualified instructor.
Principles of Early Childhood Education
This course provides students with an overview of skills and strategies necessary to successfully complete a certificate. Additionally, it provides an overview of the history, theory, and foundations of early childhood education as well as exposure to types of programs, curricula and services available to young children.
Early Childhood Education Curriculum
Early Childhood Education Curriculum examines developmentally appropriate environments and activities in various childcare settings while exploring the varying developmental levels and cultural backgrounds of children.
Early Childhood Education Guidance
This course allows students to analyze developmentally appropriate guidance, theory and implementation for various early care and education settings. It also provides a basic understanding of the anti-bias/multicultural emphasis in the field of early childhood education.
Early Childhood Education Capstone
Students will study the physical, social, emotional, cognitive, and moral development of children from conception to age twelve. Theories of child development, biological and environmental foundations, prenatal development, the birth process, and the newborn baby will be discussed. Additionally, students will explore the aspects of early literacy skill development in young children from birth through third grade.