Padres de estudiantes de 8th grados:
La fecha límite para solicitar la beca de 21st Century Scholars está a la vuelta de la esquina. Tiene hasta el 30 de junio para aplicar. Por favor, no dude en llamarnos si tiene alguna pregunta o necesita ayuda.
Parents of 8th Grade Students:
The deadline to apply for the 21st Century Scholars is right around the corner. You have until June 30th to apply. Please feel free to give us a call if you have any questions or need any help!
Reunion de Solicitud para la beca 21st Century Scholars para estudiantes en el octavo grado. Tendremos una reunión de solicitud el 5/13/21 a las 12:00 hasta las 2:00p.m. y a las 5:00p.m. hasta las 7:00p.m. en la biblioteca. Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llámenos. Los siguientes enlaces proporcionan más información sobre 21st Century Scholars.
21st Century Scholars Application Meeting for 8th Graders
We will be having an application meeting on 5/13/21 at 12:00 p.m. to 2:00p.m. and at 5:00p.m. to 7:00p.m. in the library. If you have any questions please give us a call. The following links provide more information on 21st Century Scholars.
Attention Parents: The PowerSchool Parent Portal mobile app is back up and working! Be sure to check your child's grades, as the mid-term was Friday, April 23 and we are drawing closer to the end of the school year
Thank you,
Due to technical difficulties you are not able to access PowerSchool Parent Portal application the way you usually do. To access the PowerSchool app, please go to the LCSC website, click Menu and then click PowerSchool Parent Portal under For Parents and you will be able to log in from there. Once the app is up and running again, we will let everyone know.
Parents please make sure your student has his/her headphones with them at school this Tuesday 4/20/2021 we will be doing the ELA ILearn practice test.
Good afternoon,
This is Logansport Jr High with an important message for parents: Schools are required by the state and/or federal legislation to administer ILEARN. Statewide summative assessments are considered high-stakes and must be administered in person. ILEARN practice tests for all students will take place Monday, April 19 in Math classes and Tuesday, April 20 in English classes. The actual ILEARN Math assessment will be given during the first two hours of school on Wednesday, April 21 and Thursday , April 22. The ELA portion of the ILEARN will be administered during the first two hours of school on Tuesday, April 27 and Wednesday, April 28. Please contact us should you have questions regarding testing plans for your child. We appreciate your support and encouragement of your child in doing their best on the state assessment. Thank you and have a great day!
Attention Track Athletes:
Track pictures are scheduled for April 13th at 3:30 at LJHS.
Order Code: 58398NA
Track is canceled for tonight. 4/1/2021
Buenas noches. Las calificaciones de las terceras nueve semanas de su hijo/a ya están disponibles para ver en el Portal para Padres. Usted es una parte vital en la educación de su hijo/a y apreciamos todos los esfuerzos personales que ha hecho para ayudar a su hijo/a a tener éxito en la escuela. Si tiene alguna pregunta, no dude en ponerse en contacto con el maestro de su hijo/a. Como recordatorio, ofrecemos mesas de estudio después de la escuela los martes, miércoles y jueves hasta las 4 pm. Si desea inscribir a su hijo/a en las mesas de estudio, póngase en contacto con el departamento de orientación. Además, todos los formularios de selección electiva del curso para los estudiantes actuales de 7º grado de LJHS están previstos para este viernes 19 de marzo. Visite el sitio web de LJHS bajo orientación para completar el formulario con su hijo/a. No dude en ponerse en contacto conmigo o con el departamento de orientación si necesita ayuda para completar el formulario. Gracias y deseamos a todos nuestros estudiantes y familias de LJHS unas merecidas felices y seguras vacaciones de primavera!
Good evening.
This is Jen Miller, Principal of Logansport Junior High. Your child's third nine weeks grades are now available to view on Parent Portal. You are a vital partner in the education of your child and we appreciate all the personal efforts you have made to help your child be successful in school. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact your child's teacher. As a reminder, we do offer study tables after school on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday until 4pm. If you wish to sign your child up for study tables, please contact the guidance department. Also, all course elective selection forms for LJHS current 7th graders are due this Friday, March 19. Please visit the LJHS website under guidance to complete the form with your child. Do not hesitate to contact me or the guidance department if you need assistance completing the form. Thank you and we wish all of our LJHS students and families a well deserved happy and safe upcoming spring break!
Here is the updated e-learning schedule. There was a tiny change in the end time of 2nd period. Please be sure to login to your first period class by 10:30am.
Stay warm!
Wrestling sport pictures have been rescheduled for a later date. Time and date will be posted as soon as it becomes available.
Here is the schedule for today 2/5/2021. This is only for LJHS.
ATTENTION: The girl's basketball game against Maconaquah has been cancelled for tonight.
Boy's basketball HOME game against Peru is still on for tonight at 6:00PM.
Due to current weather conditions, all LCSC Schools will be closed today, January 26, 2021. All students will participate in eLearning today.
Order form for Basketball sport pictures
Dear 8th Grade Parents and Guardians,
We hope you and your family are doing well. Unfortunately, due to COVID gathering restrictions, we have moved our annual 8th Grade Transition Night, scheduled for January 13, to a pre-recorded presentation.
Please visit our transition information on our website at
Please watch the presentation, read our Freshman Guidebook, Program of Studies, and more. Our guidance department will be working with your student on their schedule for next year later this month, so be on the lookout for more information.
If you have any questions, please contact the school at 574-753-0441.
Go Berries,
Logansport High School
LJHS is now participating in Box Tops for Education. Please see the following video for more information!
LJHS ahora participa en Box Tops for Education. Por favor, vea el siguiente video para obtener más información!