Midterms for the 2nd 9 weeks are now available to view through Parent Portal. Should parents have any questions or concerns, we encourage parents to email teachers directly. If you wish to have a hard copy of your child's mid-term grade, please contact the guidance office. LJHS also offers Study Table after school on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday in the cafeteria until 4pm. LJHS teachers volunteer to run study table sessions. Students may pick up a Study Table sign up form outside the main office, or parents may contact a guidance counselor to sign up their child. Invitamos a los padres a ver las calificaciones de medio término a través del Portal de Padres. Si los padres tienen alguna pregunta o inquietud, recomendamos a los padres que envíen un correo electrónico a los maestros directamente. Si desea tener una copia impresa de la calificación intermedia de su hijo, comuníquese con la oficina. La escuela también ofrece a los estudiantes una mesa de estudio después de la escuela los martes, miércoles y jueves en la cafetería hasta las 4 pm. Los maestros se ofrecen como voluntarios para realizar sesiones de mesa de estudio. Los estudiantes pueden recoger un formulario de inscripción para la Mesa de Estudio fuera de la oficina principal, o los padres pueden comunicarse con un consejero escolar para inscribir a su hijo.
about 3 years ago, Griselda Gonzalez
Due to weather conditions, all LCSC schools will be on a two hour delay for today, 11/10/2021.
about 3 years ago, LCSC
It is our pleasure to announce Mrs. Andrea Meagher as LJHS Applebee's Teacher of the Month. Mrs. Meagher is a valued member of our Jr Berry family and was selected by her colleagues to receive this award. Fellow teachers noted her positive, caring attitude, and her love of teaching English and children are reflected in the outstanding quality of instruction she maintains. Her enthusiasm and dedication to education are exemplary. Andrea's flexibility in working with students, teachers, and parents has earned her the reputation as an excellent teacher who truly cares about people and education. Mrs. Meagher demonstrates the highest level of professional commitment and skill in her work with students and colleagues. To carry out her professional responsibilities, she gives generously of her valuable time, and often her work extends beyond the school day. LJHS staff and administration are so very proud to name Mrs. Andrea Meagher as the Applebee's Teacher of the Month.
about 3 years ago, Griselda Gonzalez
Meagher 2
Happy Friday, LJHS! ❤😀 Follow the link below to access our monthly health blog. Thank you to Mr. Goins, our health teacher, for putting this together. 🍓 https://agoins4.wixsite.com/ljhshealth
about 3 years ago, Griselda Gonzalez
LJHS currently has an Instructional Assistant position available. If you want to join our awesome team, or know anyone that is interested. Please apply below! 🍓❤ https://www.lcsc.k12.in.us/page/employment-opportunities
about 3 years ago, Griselda Gonzalez
Jr Berries, check out the information below on upcoming FCA meetings.
about 3 years ago, Griselda Gonzalez
Our LJHS students are poppin'! 🍿❤ Congratulations to our top fundraiser sellers: 1. Bransyn Fultz-Vanata 2. Valeria Olvera 3. Aleeyah Kellog 4. Caitlin Duggins 5. Landon Richie Thank you to all who participated in the fundraiser! The proceeds will be used by the guidance department for student activities and incentives, future convocations and SEL. We will notify parents once the orders arrive.
about 3 years ago, Griselda Gonzalez
Top Seller
2nd Place
3rd Place
4th & 5th
Congratulations to Mr. Howerton's Impact class they were the Impact class with the most orders for our Popcornopolis Fundraiser! They will be having a pizza party on a day of their choice.
about 3 years ago, Ana Aguirre
Students and staff may dress in school appropriate costumes tomorrow. No other masks, other than the required face coverings may be worn. Please see the administration in advance if you have concerns about your costume. 🎃👻
about 3 years ago, Griselda Gonzalez
trick or treat
Congratulations to Allison-Miranda Castro and Tristan Schultz were both selected to be a part of the All-Region Honor Band on Saturday, Nov. 13 and concert on Sunday, Nov. 14th at Marion HS!
about 3 years ago, Ana Aguirre
The Indiana Youth Institute will be having a virtual event on Tuesday, October 26 from 5:30-7:00 PM. The topic is on Vaping and Kids: What is it and how do we address it? See the attached flyer for more information.
over 3 years ago, Griselda Gonzalez
Jr Berry parents, just a friendly reminder to continue to send multiple bottles of water to school with your student. Water is also available in the cafeteria for students to purchase. Padres, no se les olvide te mandar ambos botellas de agua con su estudiante ala escuela. Botellas de agua seran disponible de compra en la cafeteria.
over 3 years ago, Griselda Gonzalez
😀📸 Picture retakes will be this Monday, October 11th. Orders may be placed online at inter-state.com/order using code 63097Y. Dia de fotos sera el Lunes, 11 de Octubre para los estudiantes que no estuvieron presentes el dia original de fotos. Los pedidos se pueden realizar en línea en inter-state.com/order usando el código 63097Y.
over 3 years ago, Griselda Gonzalez
😀📸 Picture retakes will be this Monday, October 11th. Orders may be placed online at inter-state.com/order using code 61822DA. Dia de fotos sera el Lunes, 11 de Octubre para los estudiantes que no estuvieron presentes el dia original de fotos. Los pedidos se pueden realizar en línea en inter-state.com/order usando el código 61822DA.
over 3 years ago, Griselda Gonzalez
Attention Jr Berry parents. The Indiana General Assembly recently passed legislation regarding child abuse instruction. Senate Enrolled Act 355 requires that by December 15, 2018, and by each December 15 thereafter, schools will provide age-appropriate, research and evidence-based instruction on child abuse and child sexual abuse to students in Kindergarten through Grade 12. LJHS will be using Welcome to Safer, Smarter Teens - Personal Power - Middle School Curriculum created by the nonprofit organization Lauren’s Kids to fulfill this state requirement. If you feel that your child should not participate in this program, please contact a school counselor to request an opt-out permission slip. If you have additional questions about Safer, Smarter Teens - Personal Power - Middle School Curriculum or the new legislative requirement, feel free to reach out to one of your school counselors listed below. Alan Eckelbarger Ana Aguirre Atención padres de Jr Berries. La Asamblea General de Indiana aprobó recientemente una legislación sobre la instrucción sobre el abuso infantil. La Ley de Inscripción Senatorial 355 requiere que para el 15 de diciembre de 2018, y cada 15 de diciembre a partir de entonces, las escuelas proporcionen instrucción basada en evidencia y de investigación apropiada para la edad sobre el abuso infantil y el abuso sexual infantil a los estudiantes desde el jardín de infantes hasta el grado 12. LJHS utilizará Bienvenido a adolescentes más seguros e inteligentes - Poder personal - Plan de estudios de la escuela secundaria creado por la organización sin fines de lucro Lauren’s Kids para cumplir con este requisito estatal. Si cree que su hijo no debería participar en este programa, comuníquese con un consejero escolar para solicitar una hoja de permiso de exclusión voluntaria. Si tiene preguntas adicionales sobre Adolescentes más seguros e inteligentes - Poder personal - Plan de estudios de la escuela intermedia o el nuevo requisito legislativo, no dude en comunicarse con uno de los consejeros escolares que se enumeran a continuación. Alan Eckelbarger Ana Aguirre
over 3 years ago, Griselda Gonzalez
LJHS currently has 3 job openings. 🔴 Secretary / Treasurer 🔴 2- Instructional Assistants If you want to join our awesome team, or know anyone that is interested. Please apply below! 🍓❤ https://www.lcsc.k12.in.us/page/employment-opportunities
over 3 years ago, Griselda Gonzalez
Jr Berry Parents, don't forget the end of the 1st 9 weeks is this Friday, October 8th! LJHS also offers students Study Table after school on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday in the cafeteria until 4pm. LJHS teachers volunteer to run study table sessions. Students may pick up a Study Table sign up form outside the main office, or parents may contact a guidance counselor to sign their child up. All forms should be returned to the main office. Thanks for all your help in working with us to ensure your child’s school year is a great one. ¡Padres de Jr Berries, no olviden que el final de las primeras 9 semanas es este viernes 8 de Octubre! LJHS también ofrece a los estudiantes una mesa de estudio después de la escuela los martes, miércoles y jueves en la cafetería hasta las 4 pm. Los maestros de LJHS se ofrecen como voluntarios para realizar sesiones de mesa de estudio. Los estudiantes pueden recoger un formulario de inscripción para la Mesa de Estudio fuera de la oficina principal, o los padres pueden comunicarse con un consejero escolar para inscribir a su hijo. Todos los formularios deben devolverse a la oficina principal. Gracias por toda su ayuda al trabajar con nosotros para garantizar que el año escolar de su hijo sea excelente.
over 3 years ago, Griselda Gonzalez
Free Online Tutoring Available for Indiana Students Indiana Department of Education Launches Partnership with Schoolhouse.world INDIANAPOLIS — The Indiana Department of Education today announced a new partnership with Schoolhouse.world to support students in grades eight through 12 with free tutoring for SAT preparation, math courses and Advanced Placement (AP) courses. “All students learn differently, and many need some level of extra support at different points in time,” said Dr. Katie Jenner, Indiana Secretary of Education. “This partnership provides access to personalized tutoring 24/7 at the click of a mouse. As we work to recover from significant learning impacts due to COVID-19, particularly in mathematics, this partnership with Schoolhouse.world will provide Hoosier students -- no matter where they are or the needs they face -- access to additional learning support.” Schoolhouse.world was launched in early 2020 by Sal Khan, also founder of Khan Academy, in response to COVID-19 learning disruptions. The nonprofit connects students with live, small-group tutoring through Zoom at no cost. Tutoring currently focuses on SAT reading, writing and math, with a math focus on pre-algebra, algebra, geometry, trigonometry, pre-calculus, calculus and statistics. Support is also available for AP courses including AP Calculus, AP Statistics, AP Chemistry, AP Biology, AP Physics and AP Computer Science. “We are excited to partner with the Indiana Department of Education to provide free tutoring to students across Indiana,” said Drew Bent, chief operating officer of Schoolhouse.world. “No matter where you are in the state, or what resources you may have, we want to help you receive the support that you need.” In addition to resources through Schoolhouse.world, Khan Academy and College Board offer free SAT practice resources. This free resource comes as all Indiana high school juniors prepare to take the SAT this spring. Students can visit Official SAT Practice on Khan Academy – a personalized online program that helps students practice for the SAT with thousands of sample questions, instant feedback, video lessons and full-length practice tests. Nationwide, more than 10 million students have signed up for free SAT practice through Khan Academy. To learn more about these learning resources, and to sign up for a tutoring session, visit www.schoolhouse.world or www.khanacademy.org.
over 3 years ago, Griselda Gonzalez
Our Fall Parent Teacher Conference Night will be on Thursday, October 14 from 5-8pm. Please enter through Door #1 and pick up your child's report card. You will then be able to stop by and visit your child's teachers in their classrooms. One parent and the student may attend. Masks must be worn. Please contact the guidance department should you have any questions. We appreciate your support in your child's education and we look forward to seeing you on Thursday, October 14. Nuestra Noche de Conferencia de Padres y Maestros de Otoño será el Jueves 14 de Octubre de 5 a 8 pm. Ingrese por la puerta # 1 y recoja la boleta de calificaciones de su hijo. Luego podrá pasar y visitar a los maestros de su hijo en sus aulas. Pueden asistir uno de los padres y el estudiante. Deben usarse máscaras. Comuníquese con el departamento de consejeros si tiene alguna pregunta. Agradecemos su apoyo en la educación de su hijo y esperamos verlos el Jueves 14 de Octubre.
over 3 years ago, Griselda Gonzalez
Parents, We are still participating in the Kinsa FLUency program and you can still order your thermometer by texting the word Join to 24020. Padres, Todavía estamos participando en el programa Kinsa FLUency y aún puede pedir su termómetro enviando un mensaje de texto con la palabra Join al 24020. https://vimeo.com/591687207
over 3 years ago, Ana Aguirre