Who? What? The Information Technology (IT) server room fire suppression system sensor was activated.
When? Monday, April 17, 2023, at 8:00 AM
Where? The IT server room off of the library
How is it being handled? What action was taken?
There was no visible smoke or fire in the server room, just the sensor going off.
All students and staff were moved to the Berry Bowl as a precautionary measure.
The Logansport Fire Department was called to investigate the activated sensor. It was determined that it was a preliminary alarm that was activated, not the actual one that would activate the suppression system.
Our fire suppression contractor is coming to campus today to diagnose why the sensor/preliminary alarm was activated.
Fire suppression systems are used not to destroy the equipment in server rooms.
If you have any questions, please get in touch with the principal, Matt Jones, at 753-0441.