final exam

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Attendance Information for Semester I Final Exams

Here are some important reminders about attendance during final exams. Please pay special attention to when a parent or guardian should call in for their student and when it is not required.

Exams begin on Thursday during 7th period

Friday - Tuesday are half days with exams beginning at 8:35am.

Bag lunch available in the cafeteria at 12:17PM

There will be NO bus transportation provided until the normal 3:25PM. Students who remain on campus due to no ride will be supervised in a study hall.

Please review the following charts to determine if a call is needed to Attendance.

There will be no passes for early dismissals, Friday - Tuesday. There is only one dismissal time: Friday - Tuesday - 10:23am between the two final exams.


My student(s) ... Call Attendance?

Will not be coming in for their morning study hall, peer tutoring, student helper, final was completed via essay/project, or for any other reason.


If a student...


Has a parent call to leave school,

The student will go to the Main Office to sign out.

Is missing the first final period and coming in for a later final,

The student will have to sign in at the Main Office before 10:23am.

If a student... Then...

Is leaving at 10:23pm on Friday/Monday/ Tuesday because of will not be coming in for their morning study hall, peer tutoring, student helper,

The student will sign out at the Main Office- no pass will be sent.

If you already know that your student will be missing a period that requires a phone call, please call at any time on our 24-hour attendance line at 574-753-0441, ext. 20509; there is no need to wait until the day of the absence.

As a reminder, final exams may not be given early.

If you have further questions about the attendance procedures, please get in touch with the Attendance office at 574-753-0441, ext. 20509.